Monday, April 23, 2007

Need the gods to.....

Cut me a frackin break.

I had to take off work again today due to Bat Mite stating that she was feeling lightheaded and not feeling good at all. Now I took off early last Friday cause a call from the school with the same symptoms sent me rushing over only to have her fine by like 3. Hell Contagion and baby Jesus saw her run out of the house to her mother on Friday night and nothing all weekend long. But this morning back to the symptoms. So again her mother cant take off so I stay home and by like 1 she is fine again.

Now I have 2 reasons for this behavior:

1. Something is going on at school that she dosent want to tell me

2. There is truly something wrong.

So I take her into the dr. Now of course they listen for about 2 seconds and then say that it is stress, a little bug, or just her acting out.

Either 3 of those is not acceptable. SO we have a heart to heart tonight with ALOT of tears on both sides and it comes do to her trying to adjust to having 2 households with different parenting styles at both.

Me more active and strict but also liberal with the rules when it is necessary.
Her mother less active and not really there for rules except for when it hinders her or makes her look in a bad light to others.

After our talk BatMite seems to be back on track but it made me wonder. Would it have been good to just stay together for her sake and live like a roomate or was it the best to split?

Just waiting for the gods to cut me a break just once with all they have been throwing at me lately and allow my family, friends, and myself a moment of peace.

God a change of scenery is looking better and better with each passing day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate these kinds of situations. Sometimes it is better for the parents to stay together IF they can keep it 'calm' for the kids. Otherwise, it is best to split.

If possible, talk with the teacher about the problem if you haven't already. Don't play a blame game...just tell the teacher your daughter is having adjustment problems. (As a teacher, I refuse to get drawn into parents' disputes, rightful or not. I just tell them I'm there to help the kid however I can. Which means not taking sides!) Sometimes the schools even have counseling groups for these situations.

(Sorry for running on and on! It's the mommy/teacher in me.)