Sunday, April 15, 2007

Damn Good TImes

Last night Contagion and a few of us went to the local indoor football game and once again a good time.

The highlight of the evening, aside from an Ass Kicking that was given to the BlueCats, was that after the game we went to a local establishment and was able to talk to a few of the players and coaches.

I love it when you can take away all of the PC crap that is usually spewed out and actually talk to a player about the good and bad plays of the evening.

The highlight of the evening was watching Contagion play with his new toy. He had the look of a proud poppa whose child could do no wrong.

It was wrong.


Anonymous said...

One of these days I'll have a damn Saturday off and be able to go with you guys...

Contagion said...

Lets not talk about new toys Mr. Ipod