Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wonkey Saturday

Well BatMite was supposed to be here this weekend. I got a call Friday after work from her.."daddy daddy please please please dont say no!"

I thought that this would be one of those requests to buy something or ask for money.

Nope she had the last 6th grade dance of the year on Friday and really wanted to go. Her mom said it was cool and even thiough I was really looking forward to spending some time with her I understand that this would prolly be the last time she would see all of her friends before spending the summer with me.

I found out from her mom afterwards that the main reason was that a boy she really likes was supposed to be there.

Well now with the weekend free I headed to the Hope and Anchor pub to meet Contagion and Grau (now of the orgy) for a few.

After a good afternoon and evenong there annoying or just pissing of the bartenders we decided to head to a local german resturant for more beer and food.

Not a bad night out and now I am just back from starting the Cinco De mayo mini tour at Old Chicago.

What a wonkey weekend

1 comment:

Graumagus said...

I still have Kraut farts