Ok folks this was the less busiest day of the weekend.
Prolly had to do with the fact that I had to work. Oh well still couldnt afford the gas to go anywhere. (3.99 and hovering at most stations)
After work went and put 50.00 in a poker tourney. Now I didnt go out 1st, but didnt place in the top 3. Learned a little that I will put into my game so it wasnt all that bad.
After leaving that I had to help a friend move her stuff out of her boyfriends house. Now the 2 things with this is that 1, he didnt know about it and 2, we had to do it as FAST as possible. That was NOT fun. THe night consisted of "can we take this?" or hearing "I bought that shit and the motherfucker aint gonna get it"
Fun time with Bruce kids.
Well after loading, driving the U Haul, and unloading I really wasnt in the mood to go out. I grabbed Uncle Nicks (WONDERFUL gyros. Perfect to stave off hangovers when needed. Right Contagion?)
I came home, ate, watched the weather, and went to bed.
End of act 1