Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stick a fork I am done with the day

Started with a phone call that the ladiy (use the term lightly) was just a total and complete witch.

Couldnt shake it off and then was called in to talk about my attendance.

They dont like when you tell them the reason you call in sick is because you cant get a day off because "to many people are off" and the job is stressfull as all hell.

I may ne a full time poker player and blogger soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, c'mon, I remeber how it is there, you can totally get time off!

It just has to be scheduled six months in advance, and it has to be a Wednesday.
Unless that Wednesday is within a week of a holiday, in which case you're still screwed. (Gotta love systems that work on seniority when half of your coworkers have been there for like 15 years...)