Monday, March 26, 2007

Can you frackin believe it?

Now dont get me wrong...I knew. I knew and still didnt listen to the little voice in the back of my twisted little brain. Now how cold I have just let this one slip through? Ok ine of the hottest concerts of the summer and at 10 this morning the tickets go on sale. Now my friend whom we will call "Wine Lush" made the comment "you know they are sold out" at like 11 this morning. Now me being the half full glass kinda guy thought....Wrigley Field is HUGE and there is no way it can sell out. Well imagine my suprise when I log on to Stately Wayne Manor's BatComputer and see the RED letters that the show is all SOLD OUT! Frack! Oh well maybe Ruthia the Goddess of Luck will smile on me and they will announce a second show. Please????


Contagion said...

What concert is that?

Bruce Wayne said...

Sorry True Believers the concert in question is the POLICE!