Sunday, December 28, 2008

Football Sunday

BatMite went to spend the afternoon/night at a friends house so was able to head over to Contagions for the games and Glogg.

Ktreva, K, Baby Jesus, and Wes were in attendance and saw the Bears piss away their season.

Quotes from the day;

"$5.00 footlong. Is that what the Trannies on the corner are charging now?"

(about the playmate cooler I brought my beer in) "That is the closest you get to a girl"

"Its halftime hows your ass?"

"I dont want to be hurt by your boobs and ass"

"the hymen is like the ozone layer and can heal itself"

and the best one of the night.....

"dont turn it on unless its in your mouth"

good times...good times

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