Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Frack Frack Frack

Now isnt there supposed to be some diseases that are wiped clean off the face of the earth?

Let me back up true believers and start at the beginning.

Friday night put together a few people to go out and do an amateur ghost hunt. The kicker? I had accepted a ticket to the home season opener for the Rockford Icehogs. Now personal feelings aside (i will talk about that in my next blog) I have NEVER missed an opener since Season 1 and while the lure of the Supernatural is great....Its Hockey!!!

The game went to a shootout which went after 1030. This is when I was to meet my band of intrepid hunters.

A quick phone call and all is good. Arrive on the spot at 11:05 (ish) and off we go to Mt Thabor Cemetary.

Aside form it being Fracking cold and running into the ghost cat (a friendly field cat, this place is next to fields) and getting a few orbs not much happened.
One of our group was from the area and was supposed to take us to the next location.

Ummmmm can you say wrong turn?

So finally called it about 130-200 or so.

Asleep by 230 and alarm going off at 5:50.

Work from 7-12 and then went to pick up Bat Mite for an extended weekend to hang.
Now of course I felt tired and after a 2 hour nap we went to the mall to shop. I got REALLY hot and started to sweat like crazy there.

Came home and FROZE the night.

Had Contagion over on Sunday with some freinds for football and didnt feel good enough to drink.
Skip to Tuesday when a friend at work noticed bumps like pimples.

Then there were more.

Now a little back story, I have neve had the Chicken Pox.

Only one in 3rd grade to not catch them and I wore it like a badge of honor.

Until Tuesday.

Here is the Sportscenter update:
I go to Immediate Care. Doc looks at me and sez not the Pox. Go back to work. Get home drink Niquil and pass out. Wake up Wed morning and I look like The Thing from the Fantastic Four.
Not PRetty and it is the POX!

Now need a note from a doc that I am not contagious and missing out on work.

How was your day dear?


That 1 Guy said...

Had the pox back in '72. Yep... those were the good ole days.

Contagion said...

A pox on you! I may have my four year old come and sit on your lap for a while.