Yesterday was the 40th ann of the Moon Landing.
If it happened
People who know me know my feelings and thoughts on this.
It Never Happened.
I know that there are ALOT of crackpots out there with all kinds of theories but I have just 3 things to ponder.
1. Why didnt any other country go to the moon?
The Russians were neck and neck with us until we "landed" on the moon. WHy then all of a sudden did we pull away and they fall behind? Reason, it wasnt possible. Even if it was tech why then years after we "landed" no one else followed? Cause it didnt and couldnt happen then.
2. How come we havent gone back?
Even if the budget is cut... what point is it to spend money on going up... then coming back down instead of starting a "moon base" Cause we were never there. Even if from 72-92 there was NO desire to go back even just as a PR stunt? Cause we all know the agencys love their PR. Didnt EVER happen
3. How did technology jump that much from 58-68 then from 68-78 it only crawled. The budget wasnt cut, it just wasnt there. You had to wait until the 80's to have any kind of progress. There is this time frame that there was no tech leaps like there was in the 50;s and 60's
Hmmm just sumpthin to ponder