Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well BatMite did it.

Her mom went and got her a hamster.

Now I have been against this since day one. Not that my daughter cant do it. She is a very responsible kid. Most of the time. I have this vision of the newness wearing off and a little pile of rat bones in a cage.

Plus she was watching a hermit crab last year and complained that it kept her up all night long.

I guess there are ALOT of other things to worry about and this should be the last of them but oh well. Anything to distract the cluster i feel like my life has become as of late.


Contagion said...

Oh, roasted hamster for football Sunday. I believe it's white meat.

Anonymous said...

You never know. Elderspawn has a pretty short attention span, and he takes very good care of his hamster.
Plus it's the only pet in the house I like. It's cheap to feed, relatively clean and easy to care for, and unlike most rodents the one he got seems to like being held and is even kind of affectionate.

Anonymous said...

Just keep it away from the bedrooms - sucker WILL keep you up all night if you can hear it on that little wheel at 3am: squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek